
Gift Card Packaging

Enhance your gift card program with our unique packaging designs. Customize your designs with a particular shape, material, audio, lights, scents, and special printing techniques. You can even design the package to carry a sample product along with the gift card! The possibilities are endless, and we are here to make them a reality for your program.


Gift Card Box

Size: 4 1/4” (w) x 3 1/4” (h) x 1/5” (d)
A gift card box with a removable lid can be embellished with specialty finishes.


Chipboard Box with Elastic Band


Size: 5” (w) x 5” (h) x 3/4” (d)

Complement a gift card box with a decorative elastic band.


Premium Gift Card Box

Size: 5” (w) x 7” (h) x 1 3/4” (d) 

Enhance a classic gift card box with specialty paper and embossing.


Metal Handle Bag

Size: 2 1/8” (l) x 3 5/8” (w) x 4 7/16” (h)
The structured gift bag can hold a gift card. Any type of specialty paper can be used to create a more high-end gift bag.