Video In-Store Merchandising
These days, the shopping experience is a barrage of information launched at shoppers from all directions. Targeted lighting, narration, music, and moving displays can be found in every inch of stores. So how do you elevate your brand above all the clutter? By using Americhip’s Video in Print™. Buyers stop when they see live Video In-Store Merchandising playing crystal-clear and interactive Video in Print™ technology. Incorporate video storytelling to capture your audience at the shelf, on counters, and with innovative floor displays. Today’s consumers like their information delivered fast and with superior production values, and that’s exactly what V.I.P. delivers.
- 8 per page
- 16 per page
- All
- Industry:
- Agriculture
- Apparel
- Appliances
- Auto
- Business Services
- Consumer Packaged Goods
- Cosmetics
- Education
- Entertainment
- Fashion
- Financial / Insurance
- Food / Beverage
- Hospitality
- Manufacturing
- Pet
- Pharma / Healthcare
- Retail
- Spirits
- Sports
- Tech
- Telecom
- Toy
- Oil & Gas